"Top Dating Tips for a Date to Remember"

A smooth sailing date can only mean one thing; the chance to hook up again with that someone special for date two, three, four.... So, how can you avoid any first date hiccups? Follow these Top Dating Tips by Justin Parfitt, FastLife Speed Dating's resident dating guru, and leave your date wishing for more, not wondering how to escape:

Top tip one: Try to make your date on time - your date may be nervous too and sitting around waiting makes it worse. If your date is the one who's running behind schedule be pleasant, and listen to their reason - it might be legitimate.

Top tip two: First date jitters are only natural; take a long, deep breath, hold your head high and tell yourself you're not nervous, just excited!

Top tip three: A little self-confidence can be an incredible turn on, so if your date compliments you don't just brush it off, say thank you and avoid putting yourself down.

Top tip four: We all worry about those awkward silent moments - if you're concerned about topics of conversation, have a little stash of failsafe topics to talk about if nerves get the better of you. Or why not swot up on worldly events by reading a newspaper or watching a news program that day.

Top tip five: Be polite, ask lots of questions and listen to your date. Genuinely seeming interested will show you're keen.

Top tip six: Focus on what your date has to offer from the inside (give the exterior stuff a rest). If you stay focused on looks you may end up ignoring or dumping a perfectly fantastic person without ever really giving them a chance.

Top tip seven: Make your date something a little more out of the ordinary than a trip to the pub or a meal. Why not try a sporting event neither one of you have ever seen live: a professional tennis tournament, golf tournament, volleyball, cricket match, sumo-wrestling - whatever you can agree on doing together that's different, fun and can make a great talking point!

Top tip eight: Don't turn up drunk to the date and do watch your alcohol intake carefully, sometimes nerves cause faster drinking!

Top tip nine: Smile and be positive! Radiating positivity is one sure way to keep your date interested, after all who wants to date a misery? A few well-placed smiles, a happy attitude, some (non-erotic) jokes here and there and you can win someone's heart faster than a super-model look-alike that's grumpy. Look like you're enjoying yourself whatever you do!

About the Author
Justin Parfitt is the CEO and Founder of FastLife International, the world's largest speed dating and singles events service. Hosting over 150 events a month in 43 cities in 5 countries, including Speed Dating in Boston, USA and Speed Dating in Bribane, Australia

Source: ArticleAttic,info