Going on your first vacation together will be one of the most stressful things you ever do. It is akin to death, moving house and childbirth. Expectations are high, you are both having sudden doubts as to the validity of this decisions and once you get wherever you are going, there will only be the two of you to focus on. Very quickly it will turn into the perfect vacation, or the vacation from hell and it is down to both of you as to which way it can go. Being isolated together in a foreign situation polarizes thought and beliefs and behavior. It can illuminate the smallest worrying traits in you and your partner and it will put under the microscope every fine detail of your planning skills. Once you have checked into your villa or room you will soon find out what you both truly like doing and how you both behave as a couple.
You may be thinking that you are in for a fortnight of sex in the surf with fine wines and relaxation only to discover your partner gets travel sick, has an obsession with tanning, hates sightseeing and can't hold their drink. On the other hand your partner may be the perfect companion and love and romance blossoms stronger than ever.
Many are the relationships that have foundered on the rocks of a first vacation together so some planning is involved, some adjustment, tons of compromise and a fantastic sense of humor to get through it. If you both come out of it successfully you may end up being a couple for life. If you fail, then better now than after the church ceremony.
Lower your vacation stress levels with the following tips:
Your first vacation together may be better as an extended weekend in another city and a fortnight in the sun
Make sure that selecting the first vacation is a joint exercise that is shared and is fun
Don't rush into having a first vacation together. Timing is essential as vacation time is limited
Make sure your expectations are realistic in advance of the vacation. If you are expecting heaven in the surf, you could be opening yourself up to disappointment
Ensure you have a high tolerance threshold and are open to many suggestions
Be relaxed but prepared when making vacation arrangements
Ensure the destination is one you are both more than comfortable with. A one-sided vacation plan will remain so
Do NOT go on vacation too soon after meeting. You need to have become used to the person you are travelling with. This is essential if you are not to have a roving eye round the pool
Do communicate in vast amounts before departing to ensure you are both on the same wavelength about what this vacation is all about
Do retain your romantic outlook from the moment you depart to the moment you arrive back. Just because you are on vacation does not mean you switch off
Do ensure you are personally well packed and prepared prior to the trip and do not rely on your partner making all the arrangements
Ensure the room you have booked has a double bed and not twin beds
Ensure you know something about your destination before setting up. Forearmed is forewarned. Surprising your partner is as necessary on vacation as at home.
Ensure that you know about any doubts or worries you partner has prior to the vacation and ensure they are reassured throughout
On vacation do show each other special attention throughout. The rest of the world doesn't matter whilst you relax together
A vacation should NOT spring unpleasant surprises so make sure you partner knows any dark secrets well in advance. If you are allergic to sunlight , make sure that is known in advance
If you can't swim or ski start learning now and assist your partner if you can
Be careful about too much alcohol on vacation. It can lead to many arguments
Flirting on holiday is a complete no go area. Don't even think about it
Do join water sports or classes together. Teach your date to ski if you are better than them, and make things a partnership
Do recognize that just because this is your first vacation together does not mean you live in each other's pockets 24 hours a day. Give each other some space when you sense it
Communicate, communicate, communicate
Select restaurants that are romantic and that are suited to both tastes. If necessary, compromise
Lose every selfish bone in your body
You are not joined at the hip so be prepared for some individual expression
Jealousy and possessiveness will not help your vacation so be open-minded and humorous
Be relaxed and entertaining and forget about home-life for a while
Don't go clubbing when your partner is tired. Spend relaxing times together and be considerate
Whatever happens you will display some hidden traits and so will they, take it all as part of the vacation experience. Things are not the same on vacation as at home
Make sure that you do only the things you can both afford and don't put your partner at financial risk by provoking them to spend more than they can afford
Pay for your first vacation separately out of your own funds if it feels right
Remember why you are going on vacation together in the first place. To spend time with each other in an ideal location to have fun together
Do not criticize how much your female partner has brought with her by way of clothes and shoes. I she needs 28 sun dresses and 15 pairs of shoes that is entirely fine
Your first vacation together is not a honeymoon
Finally, it is your responsibility as much as theirs to ensure you have so much fun it is the perfect holiday so never ever start blaming him/her for things out-with your control
Do not use a vacation situation to get too intense. Lay back and enjoy the sun
You may be thinking that you are in for a fortnight of sex in the surf with fine wines and relaxation only to discover your partner gets travel sick, has an obsession with tanning, hates sightseeing and can't hold their drink. On the other hand your partner may be the perfect companion and love and romance blossoms stronger than ever.
Many are the relationships that have foundered on the rocks of a first vacation together so some planning is involved, some adjustment, tons of compromise and a fantastic sense of humor to get through it. If you both come out of it successfully you may end up being a couple for life. If you fail, then better now than after the church ceremony.
Lower your vacation stress levels with the following tips:
Your first vacation together may be better as an extended weekend in another city and a fortnight in the sun
Make sure that selecting the first vacation is a joint exercise that is shared and is fun
Don't rush into having a first vacation together. Timing is essential as vacation time is limited
Make sure your expectations are realistic in advance of the vacation. If you are expecting heaven in the surf, you could be opening yourself up to disappointment
Ensure you have a high tolerance threshold and are open to many suggestions
Be relaxed but prepared when making vacation arrangements
Ensure the destination is one you are both more than comfortable with. A one-sided vacation plan will remain so
Do NOT go on vacation too soon after meeting. You need to have become used to the person you are travelling with. This is essential if you are not to have a roving eye round the pool
Do communicate in vast amounts before departing to ensure you are both on the same wavelength about what this vacation is all about
Do retain your romantic outlook from the moment you depart to the moment you arrive back. Just because you are on vacation does not mean you switch off
Do ensure you are personally well packed and prepared prior to the trip and do not rely on your partner making all the arrangements
Ensure the room you have booked has a double bed and not twin beds
Ensure you know something about your destination before setting up. Forearmed is forewarned. Surprising your partner is as necessary on vacation as at home.
Ensure that you know about any doubts or worries you partner has prior to the vacation and ensure they are reassured throughout
On vacation do show each other special attention throughout. The rest of the world doesn't matter whilst you relax together
A vacation should NOT spring unpleasant surprises so make sure you partner knows any dark secrets well in advance. If you are allergic to sunlight , make sure that is known in advance
If you can't swim or ski start learning now and assist your partner if you can
Be careful about too much alcohol on vacation. It can lead to many arguments
Flirting on holiday is a complete no go area. Don't even think about it
Do join water sports or classes together. Teach your date to ski if you are better than them, and make things a partnership
Do recognize that just because this is your first vacation together does not mean you live in each other's pockets 24 hours a day. Give each other some space when you sense it
Communicate, communicate, communicate
Select restaurants that are romantic and that are suited to both tastes. If necessary, compromise
Lose every selfish bone in your body
You are not joined at the hip so be prepared for some individual expression
Jealousy and possessiveness will not help your vacation so be open-minded and humorous
Be relaxed and entertaining and forget about home-life for a while
Don't go clubbing when your partner is tired. Spend relaxing times together and be considerate
Whatever happens you will display some hidden traits and so will they, take it all as part of the vacation experience. Things are not the same on vacation as at home
Make sure that you do only the things you can both afford and don't put your partner at financial risk by provoking them to spend more than they can afford
Pay for your first vacation separately out of your own funds if it feels right
Remember why you are going on vacation together in the first place. To spend time with each other in an ideal location to have fun together
Do not criticize how much your female partner has brought with her by way of clothes and shoes. I she needs 28 sun dresses and 15 pairs of shoes that is entirely fine
Your first vacation together is not a honeymoon
Finally, it is your responsibility as much as theirs to ensure you have so much fun it is the perfect holiday so never ever start blaming him/her for things out-with your control
Do not use a vacation situation to get too intense. Lay back and enjoy the sun